For the Spring 2025 semester, we wanted the recruitment theme to be winter-themed, given the classic Minnesota cold being back after a year and a warmer winter previously.
Here shows a simple flyer poster as well as a schedule graphic, inspired by the aesthetic of retro ski posters.
Tags: #graphicdesign #socialmedia #printadvertising #studentleadership
Designed in Adobe Photoshop.
Under a tight schedule unable to fully plan out a recruitment campaign for the Fall 2024 semester, we decided on a simple elevator theme, given having already done a quick photoshoot in the school elevator. The elevator symbolizes reaching new heights.
Here are 3 creative executions made for the semester’s recruitment efforts.
Tags: #graphicdesign #socialmedia #printadvertising #branding #videoediting #studentleadership
Designed in Adobe Photoshop.
Video created in Adobe Premiere Pro.
A new rendition of the logo is made every semester, following the upcoming recruitment campaign’s theme. For this semester, our logo was designed to be a lit elevator button, signaling our organization is the destination.
A quick story teaser hints to students on social media that a new season of intaking is underway.
3 mockup posters officially mark the beginning of the new recruitment season subsequent to the logo and teaser drop, announcing the dates recruitment will run.